Faculty who welcome a new child to their home now have the right to receive 10 weeks, or 50 days, of parental leave with pay. This change represents an increase from six weeks (30 days) in the previous collective bargaining agreement.


If you are planning your family and work schedule, be in touch with your department chair and/or the appropriate administrator about your leave request for a full 10 weeks of paid leave to which you are now entitled as a contractual right.

Go here to review Article 23, to understand all the provisions involved in this form of paid leave. 

If taking 10 consecutive weeks of paid leave is not the ideal option for you, there are additional forms of flexibility outlined in Article 23.6, that include combining paid and unpaid leave, sharing leave with an eligible spouse or partner, and taking a reduction in workload for the entire term. Article 23.6 states:

“The CSU recognizes that the nature of work carried out by faculty unit employees makes leaves of less than one (1) academic term challenging to accommodate. In order to minimize disruptions of the academic program and impacts on students, the following options are available.

a. Leave sharing. When a faculty unit employee is eligible for a parental leave and their spouse or partner is also a faculty unit employee, one spouse/partner may donate all or part of their parental leave to the other spouse or partner with the approval of the appropriate administrator(s).

b. Reduction in workload in lieu of parental leave. Upon request of the faculty unit employee and approval of the appropriate administrator, a faculty unit employee with an academic year appointment may be given a reduced assignment over one academic term in lieu of a thirty (30) day parental leave, as follows:

  1. A workload reduction of at least sixty percent (60%) (at least 9 WTUs) for one semester, or
  2. A workload reduction of one hundred percent (100%) (15 WTUs) for one quarter.

c. Upon request of the faculty unit employee and approval of the appropriate administrator, a faculty unit employee with an academic year appointment may combine paid parental leave, sick leave, and unpaid leave in order to take an entire semester or quarter leave. Under this provision, paid leave need not be exhausted before unpaid leave is taken. These provisions do not affect the ability of the faculty unit employee to supplement the parental leave with sick leave in accordance with the provisions of 23.5 and Article 24 (Sick Leave). Provisions 23.6.b and 23.6.c shall also be available to 12-month faculty employees with an Academic Year instructional assignment.”

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