Elections for unionwide positions will be voted on during CFA’s Fall Assembly next month.

CFA Political Action & Legislative Committee:

Two members will be elected for a three-year term (2024-27).

Candidates may declare at this time, or they may wait until nominations are taken from the CFA Assembly floor. Nominations for these positions will close during the first session at CFA’s 2024 Fall Assembly. CFA members need not be members of the CFA Assembly to run for office or to nominate an individual. Individuals nominated by a second party must submit a written acceptance to the Elections Committee.

Please click here for the online Declaration of Candidacy form.


Email your declaration of candidacy to elections@calfac.org using the template below.



(Forward to Elections@calfac.org)

I, ____________________(name)________________, am declaring my intent to run for the office of _______________(CFA Office)__________. I am a CFA member in good standing at ________(campus)__________. My qualifications include: 

(Statement limited to 100 words for all positions. No opportunity for revisions if statement exceeds established limit.)

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