It’s time once again for CFA members to provide input into our union bargaining-table priorities by filling out the CFA Bargaining Survey.

Our most recent contract gains during limited reopener bargaining were ratified in Spring 2024 after one-day strikes on four campuses in December 2023 and one-day of a planned weeklong strike in January 2024. Our hard-fought gains offer a vision for the CSU rooted in anti-racism and social justice, including safety on campus, improved paid parental leave, gender inclusive facilities, and wage increases that respect the work faculty perform to make the CSU a premier site of student success and faculty achievement. Our bargaining wins raised the salary floor for the most economically precarious faculty and included a 10% raise over the 12 months from July 2023 to July 2024.

As we look toward the future, bargaining is on the horizon again. Our entire contract expires June 30, 2025, and is up for negotiation. 

Now is the time for all members to fill out the CFA bargaining survey, which gives faculty the ability to identify the most important issues and define our bargaining priorities. Our ability to substantially improve our working conditions depends on our ability to take collective action together; taking the survey is the first step in this solidarity.

As faculty, we see firsthand just how challenging it is for students to access the CSU, both financially and personally. We know that our working conditions are student learning conditions. Faculty, students, and their families must work together to ensure quality education and a rewarding campus environment for the sake of California’s future. We hope you will join us in this effort.

The bargaining survey is also an opportunity to send a strong message to CSU administrators that CFA members are aligned with our demands at the bargaining table. As we continue to challenge the new “Time, Place, and Manner” policy along with other attacks on public higher education, your participation in shaping our negotiating priorities is more important than ever. CSU administrators must prioritize faculty and students. The survey will be available online through November 22.

CFA proudly serves as the collective bargaining representative for all faculty members at the CSU. CFA member leaders have and continue to work diligently to protect faculty rights, health, and safety guaranteed under the Collective Bargaining Agreement. 

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