Equity Conference 2025
Seasons of Solidarity: Tending Our Legacy, Planting Our Future
Equity Conference
A project of the Council for Racial and Social Justice, the Equity Conference is a chance for CFA members to connect for co-liberation. The now-annual event reflects the concerted efforts undertaken in the last several years to center Anti-Racism & Social Justice in all things CFA, beginning with the recognition that racism and white supremacy is institutionalized in our organization and a commitment to what we began calling our Anti-Racism & Social Justice Transformation.
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Schedule of Events with descriptions
10:00am – 10:30am
Opening and Welcome
Equity Conference Committee
A conference welcome.
11:00am – 12:30pm
“Brilliance Remastered” – Alexis Pauline Gumbs
This vibrant presentation by Sista Docta Gumbs is an intensive meant for community accountable intellectuals and artists in the legacies of Audre Lorde’s profound statement in “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House”
1:00pm – 2:30pm
“Fusing Race and Class to Win” – Ian Haney-Lopez
Ian Haney Lopez is a dynamic speaker who will share his research on the evolution of racism in American politics to life and how powerful elites stoke racial and class division.
3:00pm – 4:30pm
“The Campus Color Line: College Presidents and the Struggle for Black Freedom” – Eddie Cole
Eddie Cole, is the author of The Campus Color Line: College Presidents and the Struggle for Black Freedom. Focusing on the period in America between 1948 and 1968, Cole shows how college presidents, during a time of violence and unrest, strategically, yet often silently, initiated and shaped racial policies and practices inside and outside of the educational sphere.
4:30pm – 6:00pm
“From Cops to Care: Transforming Mental Health Crisis Response on College Campuses” – Dr. Shelly-Ann Collins Rawle, Dr. Ian Wallace, Dr. Jay Howell, Dr. Katie Johnson, Dr. Stacie Pham, Jennifer Staffero, Susan Chen, Karla Castillo and Jason Conwell
This workshop advocates for reallocating resources from campus policing to expanded counseling and mental health services, focusing on the current practices of involving law enforcement in mental health crises, particularly 5150 assessments and transportation for hospitalization.
Conference Speakers and Biographies
Continuing Education Credit
Equity Conference 2025 is offering a continuing education course at CSU Chico. Those interested who register for the offered course and attended conference sessions will be reimbursed the course fee.
Political Action Legislative Updates
In the News

Equity Conference One Week Away!
Anti-Racism & Social Justice

CSU San Marcos Faculty and Students Rally to Demand Sanctuary Campus Status
Anti-Racism & Social Justice

Unionwide Town Hall Held on February 25 to Discuss Budget, AI, and Immigration
Anti-Racism & Social Justice
Join California Faculty Association
Join thousands of instructional faculty, librarians, counselors, and coaches to protect academic freedom, faculty rights, safe workplaces, higher education, student learning, and fight for racial and social justice.