Who We Are

The Health & Retirement Benefits committee shall:

  1. Advise the CFA Board of Directors and the Assembly on policies, issues, and problems relating to health and retirement benefits.
  2. Recommend to the CFA Bargaining Team contract revisions related to health and retirement benefits.
  3. Review proposed legislation impacting health and retirement benefits and make recommendations for CFA’s position to the Political Action and Legislative Committee.
  4. Serve as a resource on health and retirement benefits for CFA members, including developing information for and communicating with faculty to facilitate better understanding of health and retirement benefits issues.
  5. Monitor potential changes in health and retirement benefits being considered or developed by CalPERS or the legislature.

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Meet the Committee

woman posing for a picture

Rosalinda Quintanar-Sarellana

San José

Steven Filling

Person smiling for camera

Meghan O'Donnell

Monterey Bay

Marshelle Thobaben


Important Health & Retirement Benefits Resources for CSU Faculty

Check out these useful webinars, FAQ’s, and presentations about our health and retirement benefits.

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