Who We Are

The Coaches Committee is a group of coaches, working side-by-side with other bargaining unit members, to address coach issues and explore ways to improve working conditions for coaches in the CSU. It is also a means by which to create greater coach involvement in CFA.

Randy Solorio headshot

Randy Solorio

Marcus Ziemer headshot

Marcus Ziemer

Patrick Hyland headshot

Patrick Hyland

Sarah Ingram headshot

Sarah Ingram



CFA Staff to the Coaches Committee

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Important Committee Resources for Coaches

Become a CFA Coach Representative

Coach campus representatives are the eyes and ears of CFA for their campus athletics department.

They are responsible for letting their colleagues know what is happening in CFA with regard to bargaining, faculty rights, the state budget and other issues. 

At the same time, coach reps let their local chapter leadership and the CFA Coaches Committee know what issues are cropping up in the athletics departments. Coach representatives typically meet two times per year via conference calls or Zoom with the Coaches Committee.  At some campuses, coach representatives are invited to report out to the local CFA chapter during their executive board meetings to ensure the campus based leadership can assist with dealing with the concerns.

To become a CFA Coaches Representative for your campus, please fill in information below:

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