Equity Conference
Equity Conference
A project of the Council for Racial and Social Justice, the Equity Conference is a chance for CFA members to connect for co-liberation. The now-annual event reflects the concerted efforts undertaken in the last several years to center Anti-Racism & Social Justice in all things CFA, beginning with the recognition that racism and white supremacy is institutionalized in our organization and a commitment to what we began calling our Anti-Racism & Social Justice Transformation.
2025 Equity Conference
Virtual: Wednesday, March 12 & Thursday, March 13, 2025
In-Person: Friday, March 14 – Sunday, March 16, 2025 in San Diego
The Council on Racial and Social Justice announces the 2025 Equity Conference. For the first time, the conference will be offered in a hybrid format. The conference planning committee is very much looking forward to the richness of a face-to-face experience since the last time the Equity Conference was in person was on the eve of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic shut-down.
This annual conference reflects CFA’s concerted efforts to center anti-racism and social justice, something all the more urgent today. Significant gains made in the recent re-opener contract struggle reflect CFA’s pledge to center ARSJ. We [our peoples, sovereignties, and nations] continue to be threatened by political upheaval, blurred lines between state and religion, challenges to the core mission of the CSU, and looming austerity.
Equity Conference 2025 will focus on the ways we hold fast and thrive while weathering seasons of change as we tend our legacy and plant our future. Guiding themes for the conference are:
- Care, Community and Connection (Fall)
- Joy and Jubilation (Spring)
- Radical Self-Care (Winter)
- Rupture and Reconciliation (Summer)
CFA Council for Racial and Social Justice caucuses and other recognized unionwide member entities are invited to submit proposals for speakers, presentations, and workshops. CRSJ caucus proposals will be prioritized. Please complete the submission proposals and meeting needs documents.
Please contact your chapter president, CRSJ representative and/or chapter field staff if you are interested in attending. Each chapter is encouraged to begin now to identify and invite CFA member activists with whom it seeks to strengthen relationship and engagement. The Council for Racial and Social Justice will sponsor up to three CFA member activists per chapter. Chapters will be responsible for cost associated with the attendance of other member activists.
More detailed information and registration will be forthcoming. We encourage you to mark your calendars now.
2024 Equity Conference
2023 Equity Conference
2022 Equity Conference
Welcome to Equity Conference!
Featured Speakers: Charles Toombs, CFA President; Sharon Elise, CFA AVP CRSJ, South; Chris Cox, CFA AVP CRSJ, North; and CFA Equity Conference 2022 Tri-Chairs: Talitha Matlin, Aparna Sinha, and Nicholas Centino
Crutches and Spice
Featured Speaker: Imani Barbarin, Disability Rights and Inclusion Activist
Co-Hosts: Leslie Bryan, CFA Disability Caucus Chair, and Scott Hopkins, Professor, CSU East Bay
Cancel Culture
Featured Speakers: Loretta Ross, Professor of the Study of Women and Gender at Smith College; Loan Tran, leader in liberation struggles
Host: Talitha Matlin, Tri-Chair of CFA Equity Conference 2022
Acknowledging and Caring for Our Trans Siblings
Featured Speakers: Hector Plascencia, movement consultant, community builder, and social justice advocate; Fatima Shabazz, President/CEO of Fatima Speaks LLC
Co-Hosts: Vickie Harvey, Professor, Stanislaus State; Audrena Redmond, CFA Director of Programs for Anti-Racism & Social Justice
Your Debt is Someone Else’s Asset
Featured Speaker: Astra Taylor, Co-Founder of The Debt Collective
Co-Hosts: Aparna Sinha, CFA Equity Conference 2022 Tri-Chair, and Audrena Redmond, CFA Director of Programs for Anti-Racism & Social Justice
Embracing Yoga’s Roots
Featured Speaker: Susanna Barkataki, Teacher and Yoga Culture Advocate
Host: Talitha Matlin, CFA Equity Conference 2022 Tri-Chair
Defining “Servingness” at Hispanic Serving Institutions
Featured Speaker: Dr. Gina Garcia, Associate Professor in Department of Educational Foundations, Organizations, and Policy at University of Pittsburgh
Co-Hosts: Tracey Salisbury, Assistant Professor, CSU Bakersfield; Chris Cox, Associate Vice President, Racial and Social Justice, North
A Movement for Caste Equity: Addressing Caste Discrimination in Higher Education
Featured Speakers: Thenmozhi Soundararajan, Executive Director of Equality Labs; Prem Pariyar, GSW, CSU East Bay alum; manmit singh, Chico State student (Pariyar and singh advocated for adding caste to the list of categories protected from discrimination in the CSU)
Co-Hosts: Lisa Kawamura, Co-Chair of CFA’s Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Caucus; Vang Vang, CFA Treasurer and Co-Chair of CFA’s APIDA Caucus
The Power of Visionary Fiction
Featured Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Eagan, Professor of Philosophy and Public Affairs & Administration, CSU East Bay
Co-Hosts: Charles Toombs, CFA President; Sharon Elise, CFA AVP CRSJ, South; Audrena Redmond, CFA Director of Programs for Anti-Racism & Social Justice
Dreaming As Strategy: Envisioning Ourselves as Future Ancestors
Featured Speaker: June “Jumakae” Kaewsith, Founder of Your Story Medicine and professional artist, wellness consultant, and storytelling coach
Co-Hosts: Aparna Sinha, CFA Equity Conference 2022 Tri-Chair; Moe Miller, AVP, Lecturers, South
Islamophobia, Palestine, and the CSU’s Checkpoints along the Bridge to Social Justice: Healing the Wounds
Featured Speakers: Sabrina Alimahomed-Wilson, Associate Professor, CSU Long Beach; Yazan Zahzah, Lecturer, San Diego State; Stevie Ruiz, Associate Professor, CSU Northridge; Rana Sharif, Lecturer, CSU Northridge; Theresa Montaño, Professor, CSU Northridge; Manzar Foroohar, Professor, Cal Poly; Vida Samiian, Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities, Fresno State; and Rachael Stryker, CFA East Bay Chapter President
Co-Hosts: Rabab Abdulhadi, Co-Chair of Palestine, Arab, and Muslim (PAM) Caucus; Janet Winston, CFA’s PAM Caucus Co-Chair
Featured Speaker: J. Luke Wood, Ph.D, Vice President of Student Affairs & Campus Diversity at San Diego State
Co-Hosts: Charles Toombs, CFA President; Gloria Rhodes, Librarian, San Diego State
Closing Keynote: Dream Work Makes the Team Work
Featured Speaker: Dr. Cecil Canton, Professor Emeritus at Sacramento State and former CFA Board of Director
Equity Conference 2022: A Closing Reflection
Panelists: Sharon Elise and Chris Cox, CFA Council for Racial and Social Justice Co-Chairs; Nicholas Centino, Talitha Matlin, and Aparna Sinha, CFA Equity Conference 2022 Tri-Chairs; Charles Toombs, CFA President; Audrena Redmond, CFA Director of Programs for Anti-Racism & Social Justice
Continuing Education Credit
The CFA Equity Conference is offered as a continuing education course at CSU Chico. Conference attendees who also register for Class # 5003, course MCGS 802A, Section 201 and submit proof of registration to CFA will be reimbursed the $75.00 fee. This is an excellent opportunity to build your resume. For more information on how to register for the course, you can visit here.
2021 Equity Conference

2020 Equity Conference
2018 Equity Conference

2016 Equity Conference
2014 Equity Conference
Join California Faculty Association
Join thousands of instructional faculty, librarians, counselors, and coaches to protect academic freedom, faculty rights, safe workplaces, higher education, student learning, and fight for racial and social justice.