Faculty Rights Tip: Acquaint Yourself with Evaluation Criteria & Procedures, and Your Coronavirus-Related Specific Campus Agreements

With the start of a new academic term, this faculty rights tip pertains to all faculty, including coaches, counselors, librarians, lecturers, probationary tenure-line, and tenured faculty.
Article 15.3 of the CFA Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA, casually known as “the contract”) 2014-2021 states:
“Evaluation criteria and procedures shall be made available to the faculty unit employee no later than 14 days after the first day of instruction of the academic term. Evaluation criteria and procedures shall be made available to the evaluation committee and the academic administrators prior to the commencement of the evaluation process. Once the evaluation process has begun, there shall be no changes in criteria and procedures used to evaluate the faculty unit employee during the evaluation process.”
We urge all new faculty members to contact department chairs or immediate supervisors to learn about relevant evaluation criteria and procedures at the campus, college, and department levels.
If you are a returning faculty member, know that your campus may have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CFA in response to the coronavirus emergency and in relation to procedures being put in place to protect the health and safety of returning faculty, staff, and students. These agreements may affect the procedures related to the evaluation process.
Click here to locate your campus faculty rights advocates and contact them if you have questions about special evaluation agreements that may pertain to your campus, due to the coronavirus.
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