In these times of COVID-19 and cutbacks, the volume of grievances faculty are filing is higher than ever. As faculty workload continues to increase in an environment of both austerity and changing learning and working conditions, CFA expects that the docket of grievances will continue to grow during the Spring 2021 academic term.

Did you know that you have 42 days to file a grievance if you believe your workplace rights have been violated? 

Article 10.4 allows you to file a grievance no later than 42 calendar days after the event giving rise to the grievance, or 42 days after you knew or reasonably should have known of the event giving rise to the grievance. If, for example, you are informed your class size has increased, your reassigned units for supervising a program are being cut due to the budget crunch (and not due to a decrease in your responsibilities), or your entitlement is not being met, the 42 day clock begins on that day you learn of a change in your working conditions.

Once you believe your contractual rights might have been violated, do not wait; contact your campus representative immediately. Click here for a list of faculty rights chapter representatives.

Want to learn more? Become active with your local CFA chapter Faculty Rights team. Find your representative here.


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