Greener Investments? CalPERS to Consider Divesting from Fossil Fuels after Activist Advocacy
Days after the end of COP26, CalPERS board members are finally taking demands to divest from fossil fuels seriously.
CalPERS board member Margaret Brown requested on Monday that the nation’s largest pension fund consider divesting from fossil fuels during the board’s Investment Committee meeting.

This news comes after months of advocacy led by Fossil Free California and joined by CFA activists, CSU students, and other allies.
CFA member leaders passed a resolution during CFA’s 92nd Assembly this spring calling for the divestment of fossil fuels from CalPERS.
“(T)he California Faculty Association strongly urges CalPERS to fully divest from fossil fuel companies, by selling their current investments and refraining from making any new investments in fossil fuel companies. A copy of this resolution shall be sent to CalPERS Board members,” reads the resolution, in part.
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