Members Invited to Add Visual Story to Contract Bargaining
CFA is making a chapbook! Our chapbook (a small publication, like a zine, most often created by poets and creative writers) will follow the theme of faculty bargaining for a better contract.

Through visual art, photography, poetry, and creative writing, we want to make visible our stories of cultural taxation, teaching through the pandemic, the need for a pay increase, parental or caregiver leave, experiences of precarity as a lecturer, coach, or counseling faculty, the demand to work in person as librarians, and more!
Submissions related to our bargaining proposals will be accepted through March 15, 2022 and can be submitted here or via the QR code on the flier. Let’s combine our creative abilities to build union power and win a better contract!
If you have interest in being involved with the CFA Art Organizing Committee or have any questions about the chapbook project, please contact Jessica Lawless at
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