Who We Are

The mission of the Native American and Indigenous Peoples Caucus is to advocate for and legitimize a place for the full recognition of the diversity represented by Indigenous Peoples in the California State University (CSU) system. The Indigenous Peoples Caucus seeks to mobilize CFA support of Native Nations and Indigenous Sovereignty, and acknowledge Indigenous rights to land, water, and life.

The Caucus works to raise awareness of the diverse histories of Native peoples in California, especially through the Mission system, genocide era, and 20th Century struggles, as well as about the diverse urban and relocated populations in California. The Native American and Indigenous Peoples Caucus recognizes that CSU universities are built upon Indigenous land and Indigenous sacred sites. The Native American and Indigenous Peoples Caucus embraces outreach and advocacy to address and effectively resolve issues facing Indigenous faculty and students, and fosters scholarship in issues relating to Indigenous life both on and off campus, and works to build bridges across CFA caucuses that support systems of equity and social justice.

Caucus members at the Equity Conference 2020.
Caucus members at the Equity Conference 2020.

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