Chairs Training

Chairs Training

Department Chairs are faculty, and like all CSU faculty, Department Chairs are represented by CFA. In addition to teaching, performing research and/or producing discipline specific works,…
Social Media Community Guidelines

CFA Social Media Community Guidelines

Our goal is to maintain a space where our members, students, and allies, can share information and ideas to build stronger advocacy for union members,…
Article 28 Difference in Pay Leaves

Article 28 Difference in Pay Leaves

Article 28 DIFFERENCE IN PAY LEAVES 28.1 A difference in pay leave shall be for purposes that provide a benefit to the CSU, such as…
Article 27 Sabbatical Leaves

Article 27 Sabbatical Leaves

Article 27 SABBATICAL LEAVES 27.1 A sabbatical leave is for the purpose of enhancing the University educational environment and facilitating the professional development of eligible…
Article 19 Disciplinary Action Procedure

Article 19 Disciplinary Action Procedure

Article 19 DISCIPLINARY ACTION PROCEDURE Scope of Disciplinary Action 19.1 This Article shall apply to all bargaining unit employees excluding temporary employees who have been…
Article 15 Evaluation

Article 15 Evaluation

Article 15 EVALUATION General Provisions 15.1 The term “evaluation” as used in this Article shall refer to either a Periodic Evaluation or a Performance Review. 15.2…
Article 11 Personnel Files

Article 11 Personnel Files

Article 11 PERSONNEL FILES 11.1 The Personnel Action File shall be defined as the one (1) official personnel file for employment information and information that may be…
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