CFA Hosts Retirement Webinars December 15 & 16

CFA Hosts Retirement Webinars December 15 & 16

Have questions about the three CalPERS pension tiers? Medical and dental benefits for life? Best time to begin drawing Social Security? Different retirement options? Medicare?…
Faculty Rights Tip: Emergency Leave

Faculty Rights Tip: Emergency Leave

The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) provides for leave for faculty who need to take time off due to emergency situations. With our lives still teetering…
Faculty Rights Tip: Grievance Filing

Faculty Rights Tip: Grievance Filing

In these times of COVID-19 and cutbacks, the volume of grievances faculty are filing is unusually high. As faculty workload continues to increase in an…
Faculty Rights Tip: Writing Rebuttals to Evaluations

Faculty Rights Tip: Writing Rebuttals to Evaluations

By now, many campuses are well into their evaluation cycles. The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) provision below applies to all faculty undergoing any form of…
How is the CSU Spending COVID-19 Relief Funds?

How is the CSU Spending COVID-19 Relief Funds?

CFA statewide and chapter leaders filed California Public Records Act requests last week at all 23 CSU campuses and at the Chancellor’s Office, seeking information…
Faculty Rights Tip: Our Right to Academic Freedom

Faculty Rights Tip: Our Right to Academic Freedom

The preamble of our 2014-21 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) states, “The CSU shall support the pursuit of excellence and academic freedom in teaching, research, and…
CFA Declares Impasse in Contract Negotiations

CFA Declares Impasse in Contract Negotiations

After our most recent bargaining meeting with CSU management on September 30, CFA leaders officially declared that we are at an impasse over a new…
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