CFA is deeply involved in political action through the endorsement of candidates and advocacy for legislation that supports members’ priorities.

Take Action!

Ask your legislator to pass AB 2070 – Trustees of the California State University: Faculty Appointees

Urge your legislator to pass AB 2070 to

Ask your legislator to pass SB 808

Urge your legislator to pass SB 808 to address systemic abuse and harassment across the CSU system.

Ask the Governor to Sign AB 1123: Parental Leave

Urge the Governor to sign AB 1123 to address parental leave.

Stay Informed

Sign up for Headlines, weekly email updates on CFA news, bargaining updates, faculty rights, and contract news.

 “As an organization committed to doing something about structural and systemic racism and working toward a more racially and socially equitable society, CFA is excited to support the following pending legislation. We firmly believe that legislation can be a mechanism for societal change. Working with legislators to draft and perfect bills that reflect and implement our core values is a privilege and enables our union to not only envision a better society but also to assist in implementing that shared vision.”

Steven Filling, CFA Political Action and Legislative Committee Chair.

Meet the Government Relations Team

Steven Filling

Political Action and Legislative Committee
Photo of Director of Government Relations, Bryan Ha.

Bryan Ha

Director of Government Relations
Photo of Political Director, Kelly Burns

Kelly Burns

Political Director
Heihn w/ blue background

Christianna Heihn

Government Relations Administrative Assistant


Legislative Director
Photo of Political Organizer - Southern California, Gregg Borden

Gregg Borden

Political Organizer
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